My good brother Lew had an excellent post a few weeks back about an intense day of church. It got me thinking about church life here and the times it has been "intense".
It's typically good, rarely boring, sometimes, err, odd, but intense?
I remember the time we had a family blow up at one another during the wine and bread and we spent the next 30 minutes talking to the family, me outside with the kids, others inside with husband and wife...that was intense,
or, the time some visitors came and introduced false teaching in our midst, probably could call that intense,
or, the times when sacred cows are being turned into hamburger meat and Jesus is challenging us to step into more abundant life,
or, perhaps the multiple times a bro/sis gets offended by the comment of another bro/sis and they spend time "workin it thru" we are, after all, people sharing life and, well, stuff happens,
perhaps the most "intense" time ever was years ago the 1st time the GrubbyKuppers from natti came to stay with us and they had dropped their bags in the bathroom and the toilet flooded during worship. Oddly they felt right at home with us....
"Intense" yea that is a pretty good word to describe life here at times.