Monday, October 29, 2007

Psalm 130

I love how this reads in the New Jerusalem Translation:

"From the depths I call to you, Yahweh:
Lord, hear my cry. Listen attentiviely to the sound of my pleading!
If you kept a record of our sins, Lord who could stand their ground?
But with you is forgiveness, that YOU may be revered.

I rely, my whole being relies, on Yahweh, on your promise.
My whole being hopes in the Lord, more than a watchmen for daybreak;
more than a watchmen for daybreak let Israel hope in Yahweh.

For with Yahweh is FAITHFUL LOVE, with him generous ransom;
and he will ransom Israel from all its sins."

I have heard it said there are 3 ways to commit suicide: Taking my own life, letting myself die, and allowing myself to live without hope.

Brennan Manning said that

Living without hope is so subtle it often goes unnoticed until it is too late. It's getting caught up in the drudergy and monotany of life. Believing there is no real purpose or reason or worse yet believing your greatest purpose is loyalty to your:

or image

I said that.

There sure is a lot of good theology found in this one little psalm but I think today it is best to read it as a cry from the depths of my being and soak in the love of my Abba found in Jesus.

I said that too...

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Changes & New Additions

I made a few slight changes to this blog.

Basically I have added some new links over in the "Friends along the Way" section and also added a resource section. I plan to continue to add to both of these.

"Father's House Europe" is a good friend, Jeff Scaldwell, in England who we had the honor of having in our home a few months back. He's got some excellent teachings and downloads on his web page.

Also added a link to some good friends and amazing people Heather & Jordan. They are extremely gifted musicians and they got the corner on cool. You can listen to some of their original stuff at their site.
Look for their debut cd to be released soon.
The song "here with you" was written by Heather right after they lost their first child. I had the privilege of worshipping with them just a few days after their loss.
and the sweet sweet presence of Jesus.

I have heard it said lamentations...even when things are bad still I will praise the deepest, sincerest form of worship....yea.