To "Be"
What we are called to do is be. Our whole being should be saturated with the presence of God. People who choose to be around us become familiar with this. They will not have unrealistic expectations of us, since we do not pretend to be anything we are not. We are simply ourselves, distinct individuals who have an awareness of the reality of God. That fact of His reality has affected our lives in various ways that are contagious, but do not need defending. We can include our friends in our normal activities and conversation, of which God is a natural part. This need not and must not be self-conscious in any way. Any distancing or request for discretion on our part will come from our friends. We must only exercise the sensitivity necessary to relate to any person, not assume there are barriers in place which do not necessarily exist. Children will often be our teachers in this regard. They have no artificial concept of spiritual or secular, of Christian or 'worldly'- they are happy to love God and get on with it, and talk freely with whoever they please. --From Celtic Daily Prayer
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