Saturday, December 23, 2006

Hope for the Church

I met with an old friend a couple of weeks ago. At one point the conversation turned to the state of the church in America. He said, "the bride is limping" and asked if I thought there was any hope left for the church. It didn't seem like he thought there was. Before I had a chance to answer the conversation turned again.

It is certainly no new revelation that the world has infiltrated the church. Power point presentations have taken the place of prayer. More dollars are spent on buildings and projects then brothers and sisters in need. Instead of following the lead of the Holy Spirit we look and follow the lead of Mcdonalds. Often times the opening of a new church building takes on the look of a grand opening for Walmart. The words of Jesus spoken to the church in Laodicea seem to ring all to true, " say, 'I am rich, I have become wealthy, and need nothing,' and you don't know that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked..."

But is all hope lost? Elijah believed all hope was lost when Ahab and Jezebel were promising his death. He ran out to the desert thinking he was the last one who loved God. But God rebuked him and said there is a remnant; 7000 who have not yet bowed their knee to Baal.

It is no different today...well, actually it is different. There is more reason for hope now than in the days of Elijah. Not only is there a remnant but more importantly Elijah, and others like him, looked forward to the promise of the cross. We get to look back to the reality of the cross and because of it we KNOW that sin has been paid for, the curtain has been rent, and we all have access to a loving Father.

Yes, the bride is limping. Yes there is a need for repentance. Yes there is a need for us to let go of life as we know it. But I look around and I see people repenting, I see people giving up their lives and truly finding life in the process. Maybe it is not happening in mass yet but I see the new buds on the once thought dead branch.

I look around and I see people who are falling back in love with Jesus, or falling in love with Him for the 1st time. Either way their desire is to simply follow Him.

I look around and I see glimpses of THE church. She is beautiful and without blemish. I see her in the inner city and on the mountains. I see her amongst the poor and homeless and I see her in the marketplace. I see her in homes, coffee shops, bars, and religious institutions.

I know this post is not complete. There are more thoughts running around in my spirit but...yes there is hope.