Saturday, July 05, 2008

Jesus the self-help guru

So much of the christianity I see today is about making your "self" or life a little better.

Jesus can help you achieve all your plans and goals,
scriptural basics of success,
have faith and your next deal will go thru. the devil can't stop ya, etc.
Take a walk thru your local christian bookstore and you will see what I mean. Read the popular devotionals or listen to the latest sermons and so much of it is the same.(I know I am painting with a broad stroke here) It's self-centered christianity and it sucks life out of ya. It may help you feel good for a little while, kinda like a beer buzz, but it leaves you empty inside and devoid of true life.

The kingdom message Jesus preached wasn't about helping self but rather He said to deny yourself. He said if you want to enter into real life than give up your present life. He doesn't leave any option to hang on to your current life and also get new life. This life He is talking about isn't where you go when you die but rather eternal life now....this side of the grave.

The new life He offers is absolutely amazing really it's the best. He's the best. But you can't get there in your current state, the doorway is death.


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