Don't Speak Out Against The Lord's Annointed
I wonder how many have had that phrase directed at them when they questioned something someone was doing in ministry? I had it spoken to me by a close friend, and mentor/leader at the time, when a whole group of us questioned some peculiar behavior.
It's a popular phrase in some circles when someone questions what a "leader" or "God's annointed" is doing, saying, and/or teaching. It is used as a defense mechanism to control and shutdown any question or potential opposition to their authority...there I said it.
Let's be clear about this teaching. They are referencing the story of David and Saul found in 1 Samuel 24 & 26. The scripture actually says:
Get that though...he question & rebukes him. v12-13 says:
Over and over in scripture, particularly the New Testament, we are told to question the teaching and test the spirits. The Bereans are commended for listening to what is taught and searching the scriptures. In Galatians Paul publicly rebukes Peter...Peter, the one Jesus named the rock! By the way, Paul didn't pull Peter aside to do one on one with him like it says in Mt 18. (Another teaching for another time) He rebuked him right in front of the entire church.
I'm not writing this because I'm hurt or angry or anything like that but simply to help people get free. If you are questioning what the "leader" is doing it is ok and he/she should be open to your questions. If they aren' should ask more questions.
It's a popular phrase in some circles when someone questions what a "leader" or "God's annointed" is doing, saying, and/or teaching. It is used as a defense mechanism to control and shutdown any question or potential opposition to their authority...there I said it.
Let's be clear about this teaching. They are referencing the story of David and Saul found in 1 Samuel 24 & 26. The scripture actually says:
"...I will not stretch out my hand against my lord, for he is the LORD'S anointed." 1 Sam 24:10David is not talking about questioning Saul but actually touching him. He twice has the opportunity to kill Saul. In both cases, chap 24 & 26, David gets a safe distant from Saul and then shouts out to him and rebukes him, or at the very least questions him rather sternly about why Saul is doing what he is doing.
Get that though...he question & rebukes him. v12-13 says:
"May the Lord judge between you and me. And may the Lord avenge the wrongs you have done to me, but my hand will not touch you. As the old saying goes, 'From evildoers come evil deeds,' so my hand will not touch you."Pretty strong words spoken too the person David himself calls, "God's annointed".
Over and over in scripture, particularly the New Testament, we are told to question the teaching and test the spirits. The Bereans are commended for listening to what is taught and searching the scriptures. In Galatians Paul publicly rebukes Peter...Peter, the one Jesus named the rock! By the way, Paul didn't pull Peter aside to do one on one with him like it says in Mt 18. (Another teaching for another time) He rebuked him right in front of the entire church.
2:14When I saw that they were not acting in line with the truth of the gospel, I said to Peter in front of them all, "You are a Jew, yet you live like a Gentile and not like a Jew. How is it, then, that you force Gentiles to follow Jewish customs?How do ya like that?! Real church is often messy because it's made up of real people and so you get that sort of thing from time to time.
I'm not writing this because I'm hurt or angry or anything like that but simply to help people get free. If you are questioning what the "leader" is doing it is ok and he/she should be open to your questions. If they aren' should ask more questions.