Sunday, January 20, 2008

Life Here

Sometimes I take for granted how blessed we are and how beautiful life is here with this family. As we have pursued Jesus our lives have naturally become closer and intertwined. I was recently reminded of it during one of our church gatherings and took some pics:
A single dad came over early with his girls to work on a single mom's car
All the kids were outside playing and hanging out with the kids in the neighborhood. Some of the adults were indoors preparing, I was taking pics and bbq some chicken.
This wan't a special outreach or anything like that it was simply life in the family of the redeemed. Not spectacular but very special. We are Blessed.

Chand Family

Meet the Chand Family!Dinesh, Rachel, Aron, Nathan, & Anna

They came and spent some time with us towards the end of the year. They live in the Himalayan region of India in an area known as "abode of idols". Basically little villages all over the mountain side. Something like 1 christian for every 1000 people.

10 years ago God asked them to raise up indigenous workers in the area. They have taken part in the planting of about 37 churches thru out the region.

They are here in the states for about a year praying and networking with local bodies all over the country. We are planning a trip up to the Midwest in March. If you are interested in meeting them let me know and we can work it out I am sure.

While they were here the 1st time we took them to Blue Springs, right down the road from our house, to see some manatee. We got an extra treat by coming across this black bear.

Yea we got pretty close it, I think I heard someone say she was about 300 lbs.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Baby Blue

Wow, life has been full the past couple of months. It has been a while since my last post and I have lots that I want to share. I hope to make quite a few posts over the next couple of days but in case I don't...well at least know that I am trying...

If you look back a couple of posts you will see our dog Sandy died just 2 months ago. About a month ago we brought home a new dog. My parents bought her as a Christmas gift for our boys.

Thanks Mom & Dad!

It's kinda hard to tell in the pics but she has some amazing blue eyes. Baby, is a Heinz 57, she has some pointer, catalouha leopard dog, and akita in her. We got her at a rescue shelter in Orlando. They got her from a kill shelter in Georgia where she was set to be put to sleep. Yep rescued from death row.
Baby was only about 6 months old when we got her and had been thru a bunch in her young life. She is settling in quite well though. Sleeping on her back with my wife on the couch at the moment.