The Heart of the Gospel
A young boy is standing next to his Father staring at the cross.
boy: Why did he die on the cross?
Father: because He loves.
For God so loved the world that He gave his only son....
sometimes in the muck of it all we tend to forget that simple reality.
If we could have saved ourselves the cross wouldn't have been necessary.
Equally: If He didn't love, the cross wouldn't have been necessary.
I hate when someone says, "I am just a worthless sinner that has been saved by grace."
Tell me, could something that cost God so much really be worthless?
boy: Why did he die on the cross?
Father: because He loves.
For God so loved the world that He gave his only son....
sometimes in the muck of it all we tend to forget that simple reality.
If we could have saved ourselves the cross wouldn't have been necessary.
Equally: If He didn't love, the cross wouldn't have been necessary.
I hate when someone says, "I am just a worthless sinner that has been saved by grace."
Tell me, could something that cost God so much really be worthless?