Tuesday, April 22, 2008
The Way
Somewhere along the line the way of Christianity has been turned largely into a series of events, programs & meetings. "The Way" has been reduced down to a statement of belief. You've heard it
"Jesus is Lord"
"Jesus is my savior" or what's popular today
"Jesus is my homie"
Often times I have heard it taught or stated that Jesus came to show us the way we should live our lives.
But a serious look at the sermon on the mount makes me quickly realize that the sermon on the mount is well beyond my very best Sunday efforts. This isn't a life I can just make a decision one day to live...yet another model to be followed.
I need Jesus in me to live the life of the way.
The Rabbi from Nazareth says a lot when He says, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life". Actually He says a lot every time He opens His mouth.
Jesus offers us a new way to live life. It's a life to be lived in every facet of our day to day activities. We live this life breath by breath whether at school, work, home, wherever but not whenever we want.
I don't think when Jesus says to "follow me" he meant to do what I have done and say what I have said. No rather He calls us into a deep and abiding current real time relationship with Him. In this relationship we get handled, changed, formed by the truth (the person Jesus) and we live a new life born of the spirit.
And it is a most beautiful life!
When we live this "new" life we see church in a new light. Church is no longer a series of events & meetings nor is it a model to be followed. Rather we begin to see church as all these ongoing relationships we have with other brothers and sisters who are with us on this journey.
These are relationships lived out in close proximity. Close geographical proximity (something I believe to be a necessity). But also close spiritual proximity with saints who may live 100's or 1000's of miles away from us as well as all the saints who we are temporarily separated with by time. All the saints who have gone before us or are to come after us.
This is the Way we are invited to take part in.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Pagan Christianity--Too Funny
I read the book, it's fact, but it really didn't do much for me. This is hilarious though.