Right Direction Wrong Reason
This article is a great example of bad religion. Basically it says, that the Pope and his councilors have rethought the Roman Catholic long held stance on babies that die prior to Baptism. They now believe there are "serious theological and liturgical grounds for hope that unbaptized infants who die will be saved and brought into eternal happiness."
This is not about bashing or finding fault with Roman Catholics because I see Protestants do similar things.
My point of contention is the reasoning behind their positional shift. The article states, "Pope John Paul II and Benedict had urged further study on limbo, in part because of 'the pressing pastoral needs' sparked by the increase in abortion and the growing number of children who die without being baptized."
Basically they are saying that because our soceity is in the toilet they are changing their theology to fit the needs of the time.
What the heck?!
We are in trouble when we allow societal pressure or circumstantial pressure or even our own rational minds dictate truth. Does God change because society is digressing or flourishing?
I for one believe that infants who die go to heaven. But not because I have studied what scripture or other liturgy says about the issue but rather because I know God.
Isn't this the reason for the cross? So we no longer have to know about Him but so that we can come to know Him personally?
"Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent." (Jn 17:4)
When we know God our theology and truth may change or rather grow as we see Him more clearly but it certainly doesn't change based on circumstances or societal pressures.
This is not about bashing or finding fault with Roman Catholics because I see Protestants do similar things.
My point of contention is the reasoning behind their positional shift. The article states, "Pope John Paul II and Benedict had urged further study on limbo, in part because of 'the pressing pastoral needs' sparked by the increase in abortion and the growing number of children who die without being baptized."
Basically they are saying that because our soceity is in the toilet they are changing their theology to fit the needs of the time.
What the heck?!
We are in trouble when we allow societal pressure or circumstantial pressure or even our own rational minds dictate truth. Does God change because society is digressing or flourishing?
I for one believe that infants who die go to heaven. But not because I have studied what scripture or other liturgy says about the issue but rather because I know God.
Isn't this the reason for the cross? So we no longer have to know about Him but so that we can come to know Him personally?
"Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent." (Jn 17:4)
When we know God our theology and truth may change or rather grow as we see Him more clearly but it certainly doesn't change based on circumstances or societal pressures.