We used to try and train her to not sleep on the couch but it never really worked and in the end we were pretty much ok with it.
She died unexpectedly last night and we buried her in the backyard this morning.
She was almost 5. Early 30's for a human I guess.
But within a couple of hours she was unable to walk or lift her head. She died a few hours later.
It may have been a coral snake bite (I killed one in the backyard this morning)
Someone could have thrown something poisonous over the fence for her to eat
or most likely she had been fighting something for a long time and her body finally couldn't fight any longer.
Everyone who knew her knew "rubabelly"...
say it and she would immediately drop and roll on her back so her belly could be rubbed.
Actually all you typically had to do was look at her and she would want her belly rubbed.
She was a blackhole for affection but it was great...
Lew nicknamed her "flumix" I'm not sure any of us know what the heck that means but it sure seemed to fit.
It's been a hard day here.
Kind words from many people.
We feel loved.
Death is a part of life, not the end though, a doorway to the imperishable.
Jesus made sure of that.
a combination of "Flop" and "Lummox".
Lummox: lout, gawk, goon, clumsy person, lazy person.
you all know "flop".
Sandy was too much good for this earth. She was larger than life.
A good description indeed
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