Thursday, May 18, 2006

Pat Robertson and the Daily Buzz

Sitting here at Tire Kingdom half listening to the “Daily Buzz” a morning talk show while catching up on some emails. They start “reporting” on Pat Robertson’s latest comments about how God told him that he was going to send many storms against the US this year perhaps even a Tsunami. Now I am not a Robertson supporter actually Pat doesn't carry much credability with me (a fact that I highly doubt keeps him awake at night). But a couple of things struck me as repulsive. First, the simple idea that people think this show is actually news and therefore has some sort of truth tied to it. This is a show that is geared towards entertainment and ratings or said another Truth is optional when it comes to the bottom line and my guess is the producers of the show would agree but I am sure people watch this stuff then say, "I heard on the news today that blah blah blah."

Sorry that was a bit of an off topic rant, the real thing that struck me was how these folks just totally hamburgered Robertson and his statement. Like I said, Pat doesn't hold a lot of credability with me. Maybe he didn't really hear from God but that aside you can't dismiss his point about the prideful sin in this country and God's view of this sin. (something that is news worthy)
The way this story was reported was a case in point. These folks stood proud in their sin as they made jokes about Pat and the rampant sin going on. To make matters worse the story was sandwiched between the morning call in poll and the related upcoming story for the day about, "is it ok to have sex in someone elses home while you are staying there?" I guess they were going to interview some expert who did a study on the subject.

The whole thing was twisted: Laughing about sin, calling evil good and good evil, in pops a prophetic warning, a flash of truth, an opportunity for reality but a quick joke and more laughs restores the false comfort of darkness. Discredit the carrier it is easy to do. But does an uncredable carrier make a truth false? It didn't in the case of an ass talking to Balaam. Discrediting the carrier just allows people to continue on justified in their sin.

It almost made me hope that Pat is right and God does send His judgement on the country. I said almost though because it would be a HORRIBLE thing for all of us if God was to unleash judgement on the country…really it would. Maybe a warning shot over the bow would suffice…I don’t know just not His judgement. God have mercy!
I am reminded of Billy Graham’s famous quote, “If God does not judge America he will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorah”.


Blogger Lew said...

i beleive that was Graham on San Francisco, not America...

7:56 AM  
Blogger Lew said...

also, we've already gotten like a million bow-shots, bro. we're gonna get creamed for all the evil we embody to the world...

and the church! man has we not done our thing faithfully... we'd be well-persecuted and shining bright if we but spoke against sin in our own camp, forgetting the world around us.

1 Cor. 5 says we judge right and wrong in the Church, not oustide... We've got the divorce rate, std transmission, greed, all the bad stuff at the same rates--within our Church communities... Why? because we're too busy shooting arrows at MTV.

Man forget those guys. That's what children of darkness DO! We're supposed to live like children of LIGHT.

7:59 AM  
Blogger Mike Rea said...

The sources I pulled from say Billy said that about America but they could be wrong.

Yeah, good correction we should be more concerned about the church and typically I am I was just reflecting on irony of what I was watching at the moment. Good correction though...thanks.

I know we have got a ton of bow shots. I am just hoping that God in His mercy would give us another so that we might actually respond to it.

4:15 PM  

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