We got back home late Jan. 1st from an 11 day road trip. The whole trip went way better than expected as we felt Father's hand on us for every step of the journey. Physically and spiritually I left for the trip feeling pretty empty. I was actually more worn down than I realized so I was amazed to see Father use us as much as He did. There is a lesson to be learned here.
Here are a few pics with the family we stayed with along the way:
This is my sister and her family. We spent Christmas with them. They really love Jesus. Lots of peace and rest here.
It was great! They live in a little Midwest town, Brookville, near Dayton.
Ths is my nephew Chris. I hear he goes to college but judging by his skills on guitar hero I have my doubts! Nick and Josh learned this game from the master and spent about 6 hours a day playing it while we were there.

Then it was off to Akron for some time with Kim's brother and his family. It has been a few years since we had been up their way. The time with them was great. Fortunately his daughter, Victoria, got guitar hero for Christmas so Nick and Josh were more than content!

We got in a lil hoops at a nearby playground while we were there.
From Akron we headed back south to Cincinnati and some time with our Grubby Kupp family. We always have a great time with Lew, Judy and the crew. Our kids all play so well together we rarily see them unless they are hungry.
Guys we loved the time seeking the Lord together around your table. We hammered out some good stuff!
Here are a few pics with the family we stayed with along the way:
It was great! They live in a little Midwest town, Brookville, near Dayton.

Then it was off to Akron for some time with Kim's brother and his family. It has been a few years since we had been up their way. The time with them was great. Fortunately his daughter, Victoria, got guitar hero for Christmas so Nick and Josh were more than content!
We got in a lil hoops at a nearby playground while we were there.
Guys we loved the time seeking the Lord together around your table. We hammered out some good stuff!
We finished our travels with a quick stop in Lexington to visit my cousins. These are the folks that led me to the Lord many years ago. It was great seeing them again.
So we are home again. Tired but refreshed and encouraged.
Bro, it's great to see pics of all the folks you saw on that trip. Thanks for sharing like that.
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